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Jury Selection Procedure - Criminal (Hon. J. Garvan Murtha)

There will be 12 jurors and two alternates. To the main jury, the defendant will have
ten peremptory challenges. The Government will have six peremptory challenges. To the two
alternates, the defendant will have one peremptory challenge and the Government will have
one peremptory challenge.

24 jurors will be called. The "struck" jury system will be used.

The voir dire process will begin with brief statements from counsel outlining the facts
that they intend to prove at trial. These statements are limited to five minutes. The statements
are to summarize only that evidence that each side expects to introduce at trial.

The Court will conduct the first stage of voir dire to all 24 jurors. Counsel shall submit
proposed voir dire questions in advance of trial. Counsel shall have ten minutes to conduct
voir dire, subject to the limitations of the Memorandum filed January 3, 1996.

The Court will address challenges for cause at the bench. Counsel should address
challenges from among all of the 24 jurors. The first juror excused for cause will be replaced
by juror no. 13. Subsequent excusals will be replaced by the next available jurors in turn.
Excusals for cause will not be announced to the jury panel until all challenges have been

The peremptory challenge rounds will be as follows:


    1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH
DEF.   2 2 2 2 1 1
GOV   1 1 1 1 1 1
DEF.   1        
GOV.   1        


Peremptory challenges shall be made at the bench and shall be announced to the other
party. The challenged jurors will be replaced by the next available juror. Until the final jury is
chosen, the jurors will not change seats or numbers, unless it becomes necessary to use
additional jurors in the selection process.

If a challenge is passed, that challenge is lost; it cannot be saved to increase the number
of challenges available in a subsequent round.

If there are more than 12 jurors available at the end of the peremptory challenges, the
next two jurors will become the alternates. Each party shall have the right to challenge one

OPTIONAL: At the close of evidence, all 14 juror names will be placed back in the jury
wheel and the Clerk will pull two names to be excused as alternates.